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Hello strangers, Welcome to my reality world :)

geng sepak terajang

The last post im writing about my new life and also my new now I would like to post about my new friends,my new family.itis DPR1S1,my class..for the first time I enter to that class I feel very kekok at that time because I don’t know anybody yet accept mira 2.0.i feel shy until I keep quiet in the class.there is 20 girls and 3 boys in the class,I know my class have 3 heroes that are not kacak at all.haha my class have pretty ladeyyyhss.yeah xdelah sampai rase kekok sgt hehe..i thought I will be in many guy in class but nahh so im not scare with it hehe.after that I know with some other girls, Ellis, Asma,Mira psycho.but at that time we are not so close.until ONE months we get close to each other.and we have a name to our team,Geng Sepak Terajang hahahah,I know it so awkward..and then tetiba hanafi aka abg kacak join our team..fuyoohhh..the name ab kacak is given by himself bcoz myb he terlalu prasan hahaha..nevermind..i never forget what happen to us.hahaha kejar bas sbb tkut tertinggal hahaha..tinggalkn buku semata-mata mengidam pizza hut..hahaha so kelakar la..ok la,just picture can tell the story….

ellis, asma n me

masa run for life

yeahh the sexy ladeyyyhh err tersesat budak laki kat belah kiri la hehe

sha,ika,mira,me,asma,ellis n abg kacak haha

mcm ahli corporat kan

hehe pizza yummy

pic gila haha,tak senonoh betul gmbr ni 


napi : apadeyyy

hehe so the last word i love my class,susah senang kita bersama kan...i hope i can continue hidup berdikari ngn korg..luv u alls..oppss sorry for the bad quality pictures,tak sempat nk edit la hehe..bye:D